A presentation at Write/Speak/Code in in New York, NY, USA by Mina Markham
truths UNCOMFORTABLE Unapologetic tales of self-acceptance
hello. ! @minamarkham " mina.codes
tech truth
confessions these are my
= OKAY TO TWEET a little bird
truth I’m nervous. (and a little nauseated)
There’s no place like home.
pit crew establish a
Optometrist OBGyn Rheumatologist Me! Internist Therapist Hair Stylist Trainer Dentist
attachment place
2015 2017 2008 2015
A girl has no home.
t r u t h I’m not magic.
strong black woman
magic black girl
“ Just because we’re magic, doesn’t mean we’re not real. JESSE WILLIAMS
hype person find a
be kind to myself
treat myself
forgive myself
worthy I am
worthy you are
! @minamarkham s k n a th
Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.
@MinaMarkham Thank you, Mina, for sharing your truth @wscnewyorkcity !! Your talk was amazing and so inspiring.
— Jennifer Sipila (@jen_sipila) August 1, 2018
"be kind to yourself, treat yourself, forgive yourself, you are worthy" -- thank you @MinaMarkham for sharing your truth with us @WriteSpeakCode. #WSC2018Conf pic.twitter.com/O4NqH26EUQ
— gu (@_gubean) August 1, 2018
We were lucky enough to absorb a bit of @MinaMarkham's incredible wisdom through her keynote this morning and now we're learning about improv for Speak day.
— Position Dev (@positiondev) August 1, 2018
@MinaMarkham talk was so powerful!!! A standing ovation while i was still crying from the content!! @WriteSpeakCode
— Bex Warner (@hiimbexo) August 1, 2018
. @MinaMarkham wearing the hell out of some floral print and full-stop letting all of you know that vulnerability is a gift and a blessing. #WSC2018Conf
— Jamie (@jamieshark_) August 1, 2018
Dang, these are some empowering and incredibly well-designed slides, @MinaMarkham. Is making beautiful slide decks one of your side projects?! #WSC2018Conf pic.twitter.com/ptXleLilaG
— Write/Speak/Code (@WriteSpeakCode) August 1, 2018
“This phrase is dangerous & quite frankly...racist” @MinaMarkham I remember reading Their eyes were watching God by Zora Neale Hurston & there was a quote: “Black women are the mules of the world.” The #strongblackwoman phrase is the new manifestation of the same concept. pic.twitter.com/8d6gigk1Vu
— Crystal Martin (@codermeow) August 1, 2018
The rise of black girl magic and the image of a strong black woman are empowering the black community but sometimes it can be tough because "it's a lot to live up to and doesn't allow feelings of vulnerability and truth." - @MinaMarkham #WSC2018Conf pic.twitter.com/rRqitl1T4c
— Write/Speak/Code (@WriteSpeakCode) August 1, 2018
Thank you @MinaMarkham for sharing your truths with us. For showing us that being strong is not just about exhibiting ability but also about being able to show vulnerability. You are SO WORTHY and so are all of us ❤️#WSC2018Conf
— Alice Yuan (@Names_Alice) August 1, 2018
She slayed, as always, and left the stage to a standing ovation. Her talk was incredibly compelling, and I felt so seen by it.
— Courteney (@courteneyervin) August 1, 2018
Thank you, @MinaMarkham!#wsc2018conf
Reinstalled Twitter so I could follow @MinaMarkham after her fantastic keynote at #writespeakcode #nyc. Speaking your truth is hard and we are better for hearing her story.
— Imperator Kate (she/her) (@katelovescode) August 1, 2018
Thank you @MinaMarkham for your courage and vulnerability today at @WriteSpeakCode!
— rebex (@RebexCaroline) August 1, 2018
@minamarkham, your talk at @WriteSpeakCode was brave, honest, and relatable, and I hope that more of us speak our truth one day 💕
— Bina (@13inakhan) August 1, 2018
Thank you for the inspiration!#wsc2018conf
Such a powerful and honest opening keynote from @MinaMarkham this morning at @WriteSpeakCode! pic.twitter.com/PvXtMfpY0t
— Stacey Stewart (@StaceyAStewart) August 1, 2018
thank you @minamarkham for speaking your truth, for reminding us that vulnerability is strength, for trusting us with your stories and experiences, and for encouraging us to be kind to ourselves #WSC2018Conf
— Nicole Zhu (@nicolelzhu) August 1, 2018
Beautiful, vulnerable, & personal #wsc2018conf keynote by @MinaMarkham. One of her recommendations: find your hype people. Hers helped her be brave enough to give this talk. pic.twitter.com/R48h9q1hOc
— Emily Robinson (@robinson_es) August 1, 2018
@MinaMarkham’s keynote was phenomenal✨ thank you for speaking your truth 😊 #writespeakcode #speakyourtruth #blackgirlmagic
— Shemika (She/Her) (@slamare15) August 1, 2018
Thank you for sharing your truth @MinaMarkham What an amazing start to #wsc2018conf
— Edie Beer (@ediebeer) August 1, 2018
I’ve been a @MinaMarkham fangirl for a long time. So grateful to have gotten to hear her so real, so vulnerable, so powerful keynote this morning. 💚💚💚 #WSC2018Conf https://t.co/7bSy4mYzfC
— Lisa Yoder (@_lisli) August 1, 2018
.@MinaMarkham is incredible. I’m crying. What a start to #WSC2018Conf 👏🏾👏🏽👏🏻 pic.twitter.com/ytmpy7dKOJ
— Denise Yu (@deniseyu21) August 1, 2018
On trying to live up to unrealistic expectations: "There's no magic bullet. I just have to work through it and talk through it every day. ... Find your hype people. ... Be kinder to yourself. I am worthy and so are you." The queen @MinaMarkham speaking truths. #WSC2018Conf pic.twitter.com/9M76xQ4vwL
— Catt Small (@cattsmall) August 1, 2018
"You are worthy." @MinaMarkham #speakyourtruth @WriteSpeakCode
— kal (@KalUndefined) August 1, 2018
When the opening keynote gets a well deserved standing ovation - you know it set the tone of the conference. ♥️
. @MinaMarkham is giving the most excruciatingly vulnerable talk I have ever witnessed at a “tech” conference, and I feel so grateful to have participated in creating the space to make it possible. #wsc2018conf ❤️ This is why we do the work.
— Lateesha Thomas (@lateeshathomas) August 1, 2018
What I love about leading with @MinaMarkham ‘s message of uncomfortable truths and self-care is it also creates the space for our attendees to bring their 100% authentic selves to the rest of the conference. Modeling the honesty and self-empathy we want to encourage. #wsc2018conf
— Lateesha Thomas (@lateeshathomas) August 1, 2018
Helpful thing to remind someone you love who is self-sabotaging: "It is good to be kind, to be gentle to yourself. You are doing the best you can do in this possible moment. You are worthy." per @minamarkham at #wsc2018conf
— Robin Pille (@RobinPille) August 1, 2018
This opening talk by @MinaMarkham has made me cackle and turn heads, click my tongue before I could stop myself, and cry. Mina - you’re the strongest person I’ve ever seen give a public talk and I thank you so much for sharing your truth @WriteSpeakCode
— Angie ≅ 앤지 (@AngieHilem) August 1, 2018
Y'all, can we take a sec to appreciate that @MinaMarkham confessed she's nervous about giving the keynote yet looks so natural doing her thing, shoes or no shoes #WSC2018Conf pic.twitter.com/WoKUlNuLRI
— Write/Speak/Code (@WriteSpeakCode) August 1, 2018
We feel you -- the bathrooms are also stocked with makeup wipes for the incoming waterworks from @MinaMarkham's keynote. We also have coconut oil, deodorant spray, pons + pads. We gotchu! https://t.co/2QXspN7KCn
— Write/Speak/Code (@WriteSpeakCode) August 1, 2018
The first day of #WSC2018Conf is over! The contents were awesome. It was interesting and useful to learn all the techniques about blogging in the workshop. I also loved the keynotes by @MinaMarkham and @hilarysk. They were insprising and thought-provoking.
— Emma Haruka Iwao (@Yuryu) August 1, 2018
So @MinaMarkham 's keynote speech at #WSC2018Conf today will forever stick with me. Her words will keep me going during dark days as a disabled woman in tech. Thank you for trusting us.
— Peggy Olson (@FloInNYC_) August 1, 2018
First time i ever cried at a tech talk at a conference and then gave that same talk a standing ovation
— Bex Warner (@hiimbexo) August 1, 2018
👏 @MinaMarkham https://t.co/GhY7bCCqAH
Incredible opening to #WSC2018Conf by @MinaMarkham
— Dalia 🌟 (@pxlwtch) August 1, 2018
So honest and inspiring, thank you for sharing your truth with us. 💖 pic.twitter.com/VdQhOZ5xjo
🙌✨Find a hype person✨ 🙌 to support you and keep you going when you need it most! From this morning's powerful and relatable opening keynote with @MinaMarkham @WriteSpeakCode #WSC2018Conf pic.twitter.com/3XGg7svtUL
— Anna Watt (@annalynnwatt) August 1, 2018
Appreciate this example of a speaker's request for discretion about personal details, and that the audience respecting it - in this case, @lizthegrey honoring @MinaMarkham's as a persona and speaker at #WSC2018Conf https://t.co/5CumQO46tY
— Lynn Ghose Cabrera (@ElsiethePM) August 1, 2018
Shameless brag:
— Mina Markham 👩🏾💻 (@MinaMarkham) August 1, 2018
Today was my third keynote address, my second for @WriteSpeakCode, and my third standing ovation. pic.twitter.com/I9oH9Kl1Eb
— Write/Speak/Code (@WriteSpeakCode) August 1, 2018
And you deserved each and every one of the ovations, @MinaMarkham! Here's to many more
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://t.co/pZZQWhEig7